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PNS diverter samplers are designed to obtain representative samples from falling slurry streams of relatively low flow rates, an example being pilot plant operations.  The diverter cutter sampler is also employed for secondary sampling of slurry streams, and for tertiary sampling of slurry flows to on-stream analyzers.

The flow stream to be sampled, flowing in a one-inch or two-inch rubber tube, is moved across the cutter by a drive mechanism.  The actuator of the drive is a solenoid operated air cylinder, or electrically operated mechanical linear drive arm if compressed air is not available.

The model PNS-6500 diverter sampler has a traverse distance of 6-in. (150 mm.), and is suitable for one-inch diameter slurry flow tubes or less.  The model PNS-7500 provides for up to 10-in. (250 mm.) traverse and is applicable to hoses up to 2-in. diameter.

Stainless steel or wear resistant metal cutter blades installed on cutter assemblies are replaceable.  Cutter edges are inspected and openings are adjusted by removing the cutter assembly from the body.  Cutter opening is adjustable to obtain the proportion of sample required.   A needle valve adjustment is used when pneumatic operation is employed to control cutter speed.

The drive on the cutter is operated from an external timer-control.   Model PA-400 timer controls are available from HRCS to operate up to four PNS samplers on the same time interval.  Timing control can be incorporated with the primary sampler control when the PNS sampler is operated as a sub-sampler.  In that application, the actuator is operated at selected time intervals during each primary sampling interval.

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